Karina's Enchiladas Win the Whole Foods Budget Recipe Challenge

Whole Foods Budget Recipe Challenge Winner Karinas Sweet Potato Black Bean EnchiladasEnchiladas photo courtesy Whole Foods Market © 2008

Budget Friendly Vegan + Gluten-Free ...DELICIOUSNESS

I am very excited to announce that my recipe for Sweet Potato Black Bean Enchiladas has won the Whole Foods Market Budget Recipe Challenge. A hearty thank you to all who voted for the recipe- and highlighted this gluten-free vegetarian entry.

I am overwhelmed by the support. Over 1,300 of you took the time to vote! And I appreciate it with all my heart.



Karina's Detox Soup Recipe with Coconut Milk

Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies - Our New Favorite Recipe

Creamy Raw Cashew Dip - Vegan and Gluten-Free

Rustic Kale Soup with Sausage and Sweet Potato

Vegetarian Baked Stuffed Shells